Online Comments of Specific Routines

Online Comments of Specific routines

I pray but not to anyone specific. I believe that what you put out into the universe is what you get back.
1/24/2018 8:29 AM
Take deep breaths and listen to music
1/24/2018 3:07 AM
Not so much specific superstitions but consistently did the same routine weekly
1/24/2018 12:01 AM
Make sure I arrive early and prepared for the task at hand.
1/23/2018 11:45 PM
Study on topics I still have questions in and try to better understand the context.
1/23/2018 11:37 PM
Proper written line up card, properly worn uni, clean turfs, sit and relax before every game, like to pray during games, have conversations with God.
1/23/2018 11:12 PM
Repeating facts to instill them into my memory. It helps when it comes to answering questions familiar to the subject matter.
1/18/2018 7:39 PM
Eat and listen to music while my eyes are closed
1/18/2018 4:31 PM
I just think playing hard all the time and think before happens, that’s it
1/18/2018 4:28 PM
I listen to the same songs before game
1/18/2018 4:28 PM
Eat a healthy meal and get a goodnight sleep
1/18/2018 4:25 PM
Mental imagery
1/18/2018 11:10 AM
Deep breathing. Slow the heart and mind down.
1/18/2018 8:10 AM
Take a deep breath and relax
1/18/2018 6:57 AM
Stretching routine
1/18/2018 1:58 AM
Praying everything goes well
1/18/2018 1:07 AM
Had the same breakfast on days I would pitch. Got dressed in the same order every game day. Wore same undershirt until it had a bad outing then went to another shirt.
1/18/2018 12:14 AM
Got dressed the same way every game. Threw pitches in the same exact order in bullpen and warm ups. Never step on the chalk. Tapped my heels with my toes at the same spot of the National Anthem.
1/17/2018 11:30 PM
knock on wood, wear specific socks, drink red bull
1/17/2018 11:28 PM
Baseball is routine so if something is working you stick with it until it’s not “working” any more...I.e. same undershirt, certain batting gloves, same pre game meal, shave/not shave, see the same chick, etc
1/17/2018 10:57 PM
Routines, not habits. Do not believe they affect performance.
1/17/2018 10:21 PM
Had shoulder exercises and stretches every 5th inning
1/17/2018 10:00 PM
Same breakfast. Same morning and afternoon routine. Same pre game routine.
1/17/2018 9:45 PM
Hard to say because a lot of time they are just second nature for me and i rarely notice if I’m doing them.
1/17/2018 9:43 PM
Coffee, warm-up routine before physical activity, down carry $50 bills (gambling superstition).
1/17/2018 9:38 PM
Putting outfit on in proper sequence Praying

1/17/2018 9:34 PM
I always take 20 minutes to think of what my baseball game is going to be like. I picture the things I’m going to do in the game and how well I will perform.
1/17/2018 9:02 PM
Pray I do a good job
1/17/2018 8:41 PM
Eat pasta two days before and get long sleep two nights before
1/17/2018 8:40 PM
I do what I want because I live in America.
1/17/2018 8:15 PM
1/17/2018 8:09 PM
Tell jokes, always gets me in a good mood.
1/17/2018 8:08 PM
1/17/2018 8:06 PM
